Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Scrooge and Marley (2001), 5 {nm}

48min | Musical, Family, Drama | TV Movie 29 Dec 2001
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Writer/Director: Fred Holmes
Stars: Dean Jones, Reg Grant, D. James Kennedy.

Watched online, blurry.

Despite its tag, this is NOT a Musical; the only songs sung were partial Christmas carols.

I'll not dignify this by adding to its IMDb info. For instance, the poster says this is based on something by D. James Kennedy, but that's not one of the writing credits. (One of the performers was someone who looked like the pulpit was his home.)

This takes place in 2001, yet the Dickens characters are dressed in wardrobe of his time; non-Dickens characters are in modern dress.

We do not get 3 dreams of Christmas past, present and future, only an imaginary trial, litigated by Marley's ghost opposing his former partner, attorney Scrooge. The issue: existence of God and the positive impact of Christianity. In addition, Marley defines Hell as knowing God's love, but having chosen to reject it during life means you've rejected it in the afterlife as well. No spoiler here: Scrooge converts. The End.

Attaching this particular sermonizing to the Dickens classic is rather deceitful, probably causing more negative ratings than this might otherwise earn. Then again, maybe this wouldn't be viewed at all without it.

Rated 5.0 (53)

(none), dir. Holmes; 5