Friday, December 21, 2018

No Good Deed (2002), 6

R | 1h 43min | Action, Crime, Drama | 29 June 2002
While doing a friend a favor and searching for a runaway teenager, a police detective stumbles upon a bizarre band of criminals about to pull off a bank robbery.
Director: Bob Rafelson
Writers: Dashiell Hammett (story), 2 more credits.
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Milla Jovovich, Stellan Skarsgård.
Watched online, ok print.

3 songs in the Soundtracks, probably 2 performed onscreen.

Ok crime drama. "Music" because the cop plays cello, and the girl in the gang plays piano. They duet at one point.

I didn't notice if we see the cop turn in the bond given to him. Nor did I see anything about the runaway teen. That just might have been my inattentiveness.

Not worth a repeat viewing.

Rated 5.5 (6,550)

indie, dir. Rafelson; 6