Saturday, December 29, 2018

Coffee and Cigarettes (2003), 4 {nm} b/w

R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 5 September 2003 | b/w
A series of vignettes that all have coffee and cigarettes in common.
Writer/Director: Jim Jarmusch
Stars: none. it's an anthology with no characters overlapping.
Watched online, ok print.

No songs were performed, no instruments were held, no music was discussed.

I cannot imagine why this is rated well. I derived no pleasure or meaning from the stories or characters, no visual or aural appeal. Several vignettes involved family members. Almost all vignettes were pointless.

The one that had a bit of a point involved 2 celebrities, one more popular than the other, just meeting for the first time, with the lesser celeb bringing a genealogy chart showing they're distant cousins. The popular guy doesn't want to give his cell# until he learns the other socializes with Spike Jonze; then the other doesn't want it. Since they're both Brits, they drink tea, and only 1 of them smokes, so it doesn't conform to the film's title.

The word that kept flashing in my mind during the whole thing: pretentious.

Also made me wonder if any cafe/diner anywhere would allow smoking today. And of course, Wikipedia to the rescue: "States with no statewide smoking ban. As of July 2018, 12 states have not enacted any general statewide ban on smoking in workplaces and/or bars and/or restaurants: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming."

Rated 7.1 (53,998)

distr. UA, dir. Jarmusch; 4