Thursday, October 11, 2018

Population: 1 (1986), 5+

1h 12min | Fantasy , Music , Musical
After the nuclear annihilation of the planet, the last member of a small society of survivors finds himself trapped in an underground control room, where he recounts the history of his world through musical numbers.
Director: Rene Daalder
Stars: Tomata Du Plenty, Dino Lee, Helen Heaven.
Watched online, ok print; runtime 1h 33sec.

13 songs in the Soundtracks, including Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Kern & Harbach and 10c a Dance by Rodgers & Hart. The lyric about a guitar was originally "Trumpets are tearing my ear-drums".

What does 5+ mean? Well, it was bad but sort of interesting. And they used a couple of good standards, but performed by a contemporary singer.

Only a handful of the players have thumbnail photos on IMDb; I didn't recognize anyone. The star, TD, does not, and this is his 2nd and final film. Oddly, he died of cancer in '00.

This appears to be the hallucinations/daydreams of a lonely survivor (how would you know you were the only one?) of a nuclear attack. He's not a scholar; his recollections don't look well-researched. Note to self: include a print encyclopedia in a fall-out shelter. Not that you'll have light to read it there, but if you ever emerge... I wonder when the latest edition of a print encyclopedia was published. "In March 2012, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. announced it would no longer publish printed editions, and would focus instead on Encyclopædia Britannica Online." But World Book has a 2018 edition,

So this is not good, not horrid, interesting enough to raise an eyebrow or tilt the head like Nipper, the RCA Victor dog.

indie, dir. Daalder; 5+