Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Road to Singapore (1940), 6

Bing Crosby and Bob Hope star in the first of the 'Road to' movies as two playboys trying to forget previous romances in Singapore - until they meet Dorothy Lamour.
1h 25min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 22 March 1940
Director: Victor Schertzinger
Stars: Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Charles Coburn, Anthony Quinn, Jerry Colonna.
LeRoy Prinz ... dances stager


Pleasant enough. Plenty of musical numbers. Even an apache dance / whip specialty with DL and AQ (did DL have to stand for a whipped cigarette and flower from her head, or did they use wires?). Plus a "native" dance ensemble. And the patty-cake-punch routine originated here.

Did this do well at the box office? Were Bob and/or Bing big enough stars to request re-pairing? I don't see the justification for making this into a series. It's not THAT charming.

Of course, I say that, but own 22 BH movies, and 34 BC movies (with 9 together, 7 are the Road films), and only 2 of the BC movies rate less than a 6. So they are reliably entertaining,

Paramount, dir. Schertzinger; 6