Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Irene (1940), 6

Sent by her employers on an errand to the home of the wealthy Mrs. Vincent, Irene O'Dare meets Don, a friend of Bob, Mrs. Vincent's son. Attracted to Irene, Don decides to invest some money... 
1h 41min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 3 May 1940
Director: Herbert Wilcox
Stars: Anna Neagle, Ray Milland, Roland Young, May Robson, Billie Burke, Arthur Treacher, Marsha Hunt.
Aida Broadbent ... choreographer

Watched online, good print.

Pleasant fare. Anna Neagle is not the most charismatic headliner, but she's energetic enough to hold my attention. Ray Milland (b. 1907) is in his handsome prime. All the character actors deliver exactly what you'd expect from them.

The "musical" content is not much. AN sings some, and does a dance of joy when she should be slumped in a chair, depressed. Plus we have some ballroom social dancing, with RM executing his share ably.

When you watch this again, pay more attention to the plot. Was RM always involved with the dress shop? Why did no one comment on the blue gown AN wore to the ball where everyone else is wearing black, white, or shades in between (only that segment was in color)? And why is RM surprised when AN has moved to 400 Park Ave? 

RKO, dir. Wilcox; 6