Monday, January 29, 2018

Road to Happiness (1941), 5

Jeff Carter, a singer down on his luck, turns to radio acting as a means of supporting his young son Danny. With the support of his son and his press agent Charley Grady, Jeff ultimately ... 
1h 24min | Drama, Musical, Romance | 19 December 1941
Director: Phil Rosen
Stars: John Boles, Mona Barrie, Billy Lee, Roscoe Karns
Watched online, fuzzy.

Not much of a musical: only a couple of songs by JB.

Total spoiler below, so that you won't be tempted to watch it again.

The film starts with JB returning to America to find himself divorced, his ex remarried to a rich society type, and his son in boarding school. So he tells her to release custody to him or he'll make a messy contest in court. She does, but now the kid lives in a room in a boarding house with dad. And he keeps trying to see the same opera impresario, with no real help from his agent (RK, who doesn't know the opera world). 

Instead he gets a radio acting job through his landlady. When his agent finally gets a deal for a traveling opera company, JB turns it down, choosing fewer $$ and time with his son.

But at the same radio station is a famous baritone who gets sick one day, and JB takes over because his small son puts him onto the opportunity. The kid also calls the agent, who rushes to the impresario, barging in and making him listen to the broadcast. 

I guess the work with the impresario is local, because JB is excited with his new contract. The End.

I left out all the bitter stuff with the son and his mother and her new husband.

Monogram, dir. Rosen; 5