Tuesday, January 9, 2018

It's a Date (1940), 6+

An aspiring actress is offered the lead in a major new play, but discovers that her mother, a more seasoned performer, expects the same part. The situation is further complicated when they both become involved with the same man.
1h 43min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 22 March 1940
Director: William A. Seiter
Stars: Deanna Durbin, Kay Francis, Walter Pidgeon, Cuddles Sakall


Pleasant, yet silly, but not because they're trying to be funny. The man both KF and DD fall for is WP (b. 1897). We don't get a clear idea of how old DD (b. '21) is playing; when she was at school, I presume it was college. And WP did play the helpless stowaway pretty well, so it's not totally implausible that DD would fall for him. (WP is a year away from his first pairing with Greer Garson.)

DD sings a good bit, and KF is portrayed as having a similar voice. (Soundtracks lists Gypsy Lullaby, the opening number, as Performed by KF (all others are Sung by whoever), and lists no voice double, but I doubt that is KF singing.)

The ending is pretty good: each woman gets what is best for her. Also good: DD acts up a storm, both as the aspiring actress in the film, and as the person in the film. KF is always good. I'm tempted to give this a 7, but the plot is too hokey.

Universal, dir. Seiter; 6+