Thursday, February 7, 2019

Strauss: Elektra (2010), 7

1h 49min | Music | TV Movie 11 December 2010
Elektra wants vengeance for her murdered father, Agamemnon.
Director: Thomas Grimm
Conductor: Daniele Gatti

First performance at Dresden, January 25, 1909

Time: after the fall of Troy

Place: Mycenae

Neither atonal nor melodic, the music is as brooding as the bleak fascistic cover implies (although that's a modernity). Nice that the queen gets to wear color (right rear); looks like a dyed long-hair fur with a longish train. The set reminds me of MC Escher, but it's just that the walls/floor don't join at right angles.

The music, production and performances seem well-suited to the story. It's just not something I'd want to see over and over, or explore different productions.

CLYTEMNESTRA, widow of Agamemnon Contralto  : Waltraud Meier
AEGISTHUS, her lover Tenor  : Robert Gambill
ORESTES, her son Baritone  : René Pape
Her daughters   
 - ELEKTRA    Soprano : Iréne Theorin
 - CHRYSOTHEMIS Soprano : Eva-Maria Westbroek
TUTOR OF ORESTES Bass  : Oliver Zwarg

Rated 8.8 (6)

distr. (German TV), cond. Gatti;7