Friday, June 29, 2018

The Complete Hal Roach Thelma Todd Patsy Kelly Collection, 6

24 shorts released '34-'36; 21 starring Todd with Kelly, 1 with Kelly & Pert Kelton, 2 with Kelly & Lyda Roberti. They run 17-21 min each. IMDb ratings range from 5.1 to 7.1.

As illustrated by the photo, PK does more of the physical schtick, although TT does her share. They play friends, but TT is the dominant one, bossing PK, who takes it.  I sometimes hear an Oliver Hardy speech pattern from TT; she  worked with L&H frequently.

In 1 of the shorts (I should have noted which), PK taps a few times. The body is comedic, but the taps have a proficient rhythm. I've seen her dance pretty well elsewhere.

After watching these, my favorite TT films are still her appearances with the Marx Bros: Monkey Business ('31) and Horse Feathers ('32).

There are no chapter stops within a short.
1933-09-16 .Beauty and the Bus
1933-11-14 .Backs to Nature
1933-12-23 .Air Fright
1934-02-10 .Babes in the Goods
1934-03-31 .Soup and Fish
1934-05-19 .Maid in Hollywood
1934-06-23 .I'll Be Suing You
1934-07-14 .Three Chumps Ahead
1934-08-01 .One-Horse Farmers
1934-10-06 .Opened by Mistake
1934-11-10 .Done in Oil
1934-12-15 .Bum Voyage
1935-01-26 .Treasure Blues
1935-03-02 .Sing Sister Sing
1935-03-30 .The Tin Man
1935-04-20 .The Misses Stooge
1935-09-07 .Slightly Static
1935-10-12 .Twin Triplets
1935-11-16 .Hot Money
1935-12-21 .Top Flat
1936-01-25 .An All American Toothache
1936-12-29 .Pan Handlers (Kelton)
1936-04-04 At Sea Ashore (Roberti)
1936-04-24 Hill-Tillies (Roberti)

Hal Roach Studios, distr. MGM; 6