Wednesday, June 20, 2018

3 Ring Circus (1954), 5 Color, WS {nm}

Jerry and Pete are two friends with no money, looking for some job. They finally find one as workers in a circus, but Jerry has different dreams. He wants to become a clown.
1h 43min | Comedy | 22 December 1954 | Color, WS
Director: Joseph Pevney
Stars: Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Joanne Dru, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Wallace Ford, Sig Ruman, Nick Cravat, Elsa Lanchester.
Nick Castle ... choreographer

Watched online; print is cropped and/or pan/scan, and very blurry.

Soundtrack (and AFI catalog) lists only 3 songs, 1 each for JL & DM, 1 duet.

Indeed this is not a musical, not even close.

The film did not engage me at all. The poor print, the lack of musical performance, and the circus theme all contributed. I never spotted Nick Cravat, don't remember Sig Ruman here. Didn't follow why DM went from day laborer to bossing everyone. JL as the clown makes perfect sense, but shrug-worthy to me.

Wallis-Hazen, distr. Paramount, dir. Pevney; 5