Saturday, April 21, 2018

Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin' (1948), 6 {nm}

A fast-talking salesman is "kidnapped" by a town, which intends to use him in its annual race with a rival community.
1h 18min | Comedy | June 1948
Director: George Sherman
Stars: Donald O'Connor, Marjorie Main, Percy Kilbride, Penny Edwards, Joe Besser.
Louis Da Pron ... choreographer

In the Tap! Appendix for Louis DaPron, Donald O'Connor.

Only 3 songs in the Soundtracks. DO dances to Me and My Shadow (1927, film premiere in Evelyn Prentice ('34)). Is DaPron his shadow (behind the screen)? DO does the run up the wall and somersault trick. Otherwise I don't love his dance routine. the choreography and the setting are not terrific. He's plenty athletic, and dances well, but overall it misses for me.

DO & PE sing/dance to S'posin'. I liked this choreography much better. Her long Western skirt added to the movement.

The 3rd song is the title song, which I think was only sung during opening and closing credits by off-screen singers.

I don't remember a story like this before: that a stranger is held captive and asked to run a race for the financial preservation of a town?

2nd of 9 pairings of MM & PK; all the others were as Ma & Pa Kettle.

Universal, dir. Sherman; 6