Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Lover Come Back (1961), 8 {nm}

A series of misunderstandings leaves an advertising executive with a campaign for a product which has not yet been invented, while he romances his rival in the guise of its inventor.
1h 47min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 December 1961 | Color, ws
Director: Delbert Mann
Stars: Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall, Edie Adams, Jack Oakie, Jack Kruschen, Ann B. Davis, Joe Flynn, Jack Albertson, Donna Douglas.

By far my favorite of the 3 DD/RH pairings. The sequence of events by which VIP is conceived is cute, the moral depravity of RH as an ad man is completely logical.

DD's prissiness as an ad woman is not at all logical, and makes for some of the fun.

I also enjoy Jack Oakie (his last film credit), and EA. Plus look at all the other comic talent I extracted from the cast list. It would be difficult to create a dud from this group.

DD never melts at the offer of marriage. The first time is offscreen but apparently she was drunk, and the second time she grudgingly accepts during a labor pain. We have no idea if the marriage will work, or is just a convenience to give the child "a name". It doesn't matter; it's funny.

distr. Universal, dir. Mann; 8