Sunday, August 26, 2018

Frankie and Johnny (1966), 6

A riverboat singer with a weakness for gambling wants to find his lucky red head, but his girlfriend Frankie is not amused.
1h 27min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 31 March 1966 | Color, ws
Director: Frederick De Cordova (as Frederick de Cordova)
Stars: Elvis Presley, Donna Douglas, Harry Morgan, Sue Ane Langdon, Nancy Kovack.
Earl Barton ... stager: musical numbers

Watched online: part 1, part 2, ok print.

12 songs in the Soundtracks, all performed by EP.

I don't think EP got involved with SL this time; she's after his boss. But the boss is after NK, as is EP for luck. But DD is jealous, and she and EP are paired. SL - boss - NK - EP - DD. Need another man to make a hexagon, or a really progressive script.

For people who like to hear EP sing, this has you covered. If you like to see him brawl, you get some of that. If you want him to kiss some girls, another check.

The script is different enough from other EP movies to make it worth the price of admission.

And this is distributed by yet another studio. Maybe he needs to keep moving to collect different scripts? All this studio-hopping is very different than the older days, and has me confused.

distr. UA, dir. De Cordova; 6