Sunday, November 19, 2017

With Love and Kisses (1936), 5+

A naive farmer writing songs tries his chances in New York. Unlucky, he is helped by a crooner who lusts after one of his songs. Ignoring the real value of his composition, he sold it for ... 
(67 min) Released 1936-12-07
Director: Leslie Goodwins
Stars: Pinky Tomlin, Toby Wing, Kane Richmond

Genres: Comedy | Musical
Watched online; bad fuzzy print.
Watched out of sequence; falls between Born to Dance and Stowaway.

Pinky Tomlin (1907–1987) has 14 actor credits (1935-52), and 20 soundtrack credits (1935-2004) almost all as writer (music and lyrics), some as performer. Trivia item says he was briefly engaged to the much-engaged Toby Wing.

Glad I got to see Toby (1915-2001) act. She has 11 acting credits in silent features (1924-6), 33 more in talkies (1931-8), of which 4 are as BB's favorite showgirl (1931-3). Her singing seems dubbed here, but I can't be sure (none of the Soundtracks list any singer). She's completely competent as an actress, although not much is required here. But she doesn't sound like a bubbleheaded showgirl, as her non-speaking roles would suggest. She plays the competent sister of a drunken showbiz lawyer/agent, and they help country bumpkin songwriter Tomlin get his proper compensation, despite his having been fleeced by gangsters to sell his songs for a small flat fee.

The cow on the poster doesn't just inspire Tomlin's writing on his farm. He actually sends for her to come to New York to help him fulfill his songwriting obligations. So this is not your usual musical.

Pleasant but not compelling. If I hadn't been aware of Toby from BB, I wouldn't have paid any attention to this.

Conn Pictures Corporation (as Melody Pictures Corporation), distr. Ambassador Pictures, dir. Goodwins; 5+