Sunday, November 19, 2017

Pigskin Parade (1936), 4

Married coaches Slug and Bessie find hillbilly football tosser Amos and the team gets invited to the Yale Bowl.
(93 min) Released 1936-10-23
Director: David Butler
Stars: Stuart Erwin, Patsy Kelly, Jack Haley, ... Betty Grable, Judy Garland, Tony Martin

Genres: Comedy | Musical | Sport
Watched online. The print had a lot of mirrored text and left-handshakes (reversed negative), looked sepia, and blurry; also silenced some audio (a JG song).
Watched out of sequence; belongs between Dimples and Born to Dance.

I'm very glad never to have bought a copy of this. College football occupies almost all the time - even the songs. The Yacht Club Boys sing often, and they're not great singers nor entertainers. Dixie Dunbar (King of Burlesque (1936)) dances, but I wouldn't mention it if I hadn't highlighted her in KoB.

Betty Grable is there, but doesn't do much. This not the beginning of her reign at Fox; she does several Paramount films after this.

Patsy Kelly badgers screen husband Jack Haley mercilessly. Then again, she seems to know more about football than he, and he's the coach.

Judy Garland's (1922-1969) first of 34 films (last in '63). In 2 more films, she's the top of the bill, but not always. Mickey Rooney (1920–2014) outranks her in their films together (except the first one!: Thoroughbreds Don't Cry (1937)), but he's been box office for a long time already: 171 credits (1927, then 1932-2017 sic), and he made 38 before Thoroughbreds.

Because I don't like football, nor college films, really, it took a lot of discipline to finish watching this. And watching on YouTube means never having fast forward.

Fox, dir Butler; 4