Thursday, November 2, 2017

Shipmates Forever (1935), 6

Dick is watching the fleet come in when he sees June. Dick has no intention of joining the Navy, which is a family tradition, and June, having lost her father and brother in the Navy, does ...
(109 mins) Released 1935-10-12
Director: Frank Borzage
Stars: Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, Lewis Stone

Musical | Drama | Romance

Another military "recruiting" film with war 4 years hence (6 for US), also directed by Borzage (no, he didn't specialize in military themed films). The prior Flirtation Walk (1934) was set at West Point; here we're at the Naval Academy. I dub it recruiting because it definitely touts the honor of service. The plot about the midshipmen is fairly good here. The romance does more to promote military service than to moon about love; she comes from a military family, and pushes him toward service when he resists it.

RK dances a couple of times: once with some children she's teaching, and once alone as the entertainment in a nightclub. The second is good, but not sufficient for me put this film on my Musicals with Worthwhile Dancing list. DP sings a lot, which is always welcome.

Cosmopolitan Productions, First National Pictures, Warner Bros.; dir. Borzage; 6