Tuesday, October 31, 2017

We're Not Dressing (1934); 6-

Yacht owner is stranded on island with her socialite friends, a wacky husband and wife research team, and a singing sailor.
(74 mins.) Released 1934-04-25
Director: Norman Taurog
Stars: Bing Crosby, Carole Lombard, George Burns, Gracie Allen

comedy, musical

originally posted 18 Oct 2017 02:39

Bing, George & Gracie, Carole, and The Merm! Young Ray Milland is there, but don't blink. Leon Errol (you know his face.) The Merm has only 1 number + reprise, which she shares with L.Errol; what a waste. G&G crack their usual logic/jokes, but not too much. At first the movie felt like fun, but eventually the plot sours this Der Bingle music video. Carole Lombard's petulant rich girl is not worthy of Bing's love. If only she had fallen for grifter/golddigger Milland's "prince," and Bing had rescued her from THAT. Being shipwrecked most of the time means we get little pleasure from elegant sets or costumes.

Paramount, dir. Taurog; 6-