Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dames (1934); 7+

A multimillionaire decides to boycott "filthy" forms of entertainment such as Broadway shows.
(91 mins.) Released 1934-08-16
Director: Ray Enright, Busby Berkeley
Stars: Joan Blondell, Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, Zasu Pitts
Busby Berkeley ... numbers created and directed by

comedy, musical, romance

originally posted 19 Oct 2017 11:33

The usual backstage structure: Lots of struggle to get a show mounted, lots of rehearsal and conflict, then opening night and a blast of musical numbers. Character actors contribute well.

Scene 18: The Girl at the Ironing Board, Blondell as turn of century laundress. The rest of the show is in modern times; no idea how they are joined. 

Scene 19: I Only Have Eyes for You, replicator stuck on Ruby Keeler. Very cinema-only sequence of Powell+Keeler on streets, in subway, people disappearing from view. Then the chorines doing BB's psychedelic bidding. Glorious.

Scene 20: Dames. Now we're in the play, where they're discussing how to produce a successful play. A bit Meta. More BB magic, without Ruby, yet with some actual tapping too. Several shots are filmed in reverse to give formations precision. Beautiful.

Scene 21: Try to See It My Way. Blondell singing again (meh), interrupted early by planned assault.

Warner Bros, dir. Enright+Berkeley [+BB]; 7+