Tuesday, October 31, 2017

George White's 1935 Scandals (1935); 5

A vacationing Broadway producer, George White, stops off in a small Georgia town to send a telegram...
(84 mins.) Released 1935-03-29
Director: George White
Stars: Alice Faye, James Dunn, Ned Sparks, Lyda Roberti

comedy, music, romance

originally posted 25 Oct 2017 19:39

Eleanor Powell's first credited film; Queen High (1930) is online. Here she does 1 tap number and it's too tame. Same can be said for the whole film. Even with Alice Faye and Lyda Roberti, it's just dull, with no plot worth following, and meh performances. If I were George White, I wouldn't have taken so many credits for this one. Then again, it's a poor bootleg copy, but I don't think a crisp beautiful transfer would help much.

Fox Film Corp, dir. White, Lachman, Tinling; 5