Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Hollywood Party (1934); 6+

Jimmy Durante is jungle star Schnarzan the Conqueror, but the public is tiring of his fake lions. So...
(68 mins.) Released 1934-05-24
Stars: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Jimmy Durante, Jack Pearl

animation, comedy, musical

originally posted 18 Oct 2017 09:29

Mickey Mouse in an MGM film??? Yup, but really only to introduce The Hot Choc-late Soldiers color cartoon embedded in (and created for) the film.

I like this, possibly because the music is better than most haphazard films like this (8 directors, not by design, and none credited on the final release). And the "it was all a dream" trope make SO much sense against the extravagant craziness. Probably because of the excessive quantity of chefs, this tastes more like Paramount meets Warner Bros than MGM.

I love the number Hello, spoofing Hello I Must Be Going from Animal Crackers (1930).

I'm very tempted to give this a 7.

MGM, dir. various; 6+