Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dixiana (1930); 5 but...

In antebellum New Orleans, two men vie for the affections of a beautiful young girl during Mardi Gras.
(100 mins.) Released 1930-07-22
Director: Luther Reed
Stars: Bebe Daniels, Everett Marshall, Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey
Pearl Eaton ... dances staged by

comedy, musical, romance

originally posted 24 Oct 2017 19:34

My megapack copy is short (1:24), bad quality and has no color footage.
A full length watchable copy (1:39) with color footage starting at 1:18 is here:

Bill "Bojangles" Robinson dances alone starting at 1:23:02 for about 3 minutes. He's dressed in rags, feather-dusting the thrones of the King and Queen of Mardi Gras. He taps around a bit, tosses the duster away, and taps up and down some stairs leading to the thrones. Unfortunately, for at least half of it, the frame cuts him off at the ankles. But it's still marvelous to watch, and different from the staircase work he does in The Little Colonel. There are other dance sequences, with large ensembles, but nothing worth noting. (I also found the clip of only his sequence on YouTube.)

I dislike Wheeler and Woolsey, can't recognize Bebe Daniels until she speaks (looks similar to Dorothy Lee to me), am annoyed by the gambler plotline, dislike the male singer and his speaking voice, so I recommend to myself to not watch this again.

RKO, dir. Reed; 5