Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Belle of the Nineties (1934); 6+

Ruby Carter, the American Beauty queen of the night club-sporting world, shifts her operations from St...
(73 mins.) Released 1934-09-21
Director: Leo McCarey
Stars: Mae West, Roger Pryor, Johnny Mack Brown, John Miljan

comedy, drama

originally posted 19 Oct 2017 13:59

MW plays a Liilain Russell-type, sings 4 songs in a 19th century music hall, but IMDb refuses to give this either Musical or Music genre. 

Ellington and some of his band members are visible during the Memphis Blues number, and one other. 

The music is good, the dialog VERY racy given that this was approved by the Breen office.

MW's costumes are extra gorgeous with lots of fur and jeweled trimmings.

Paramount, dir. McCarey; 6+