Thursday, February 28, 2019

Drumline: A New Beat (2014), 6

Not Rated | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Music | TV Movie 27Oct2014
Danielle (Dani) Bolton, an upper class Brooklyn girl, defies her parents in order to attend a college in Georgia so she can join - and revitalize - their once-prominent drumline.
Director: Bille Woodruff
Stars: Alexandra Shipp, Leonard Roberts, Jordan Calloway.
Jacques Anthony Bell ... choreographer
Kiki Ely ... choreographer

Watched online, ok print.

1 song in the Soundtracks, more onscreen.

This shares a few cast members with antecedent Drumline (2002), 6, including a small role for Nick Cannon, who plays the same character, grown up to be a star. His drumline rival is a PhD who's brought in to lead the drumline to competitive dominance so more funds can be raised from alumni during tight economic times.

In addition to the sexism thrown at the female frosh by older drumliners, we also have the son of a superstar (former; now he's drug-addicted). Both are perceived as privileged brats. Although they gravitate toward each other, they have plenty of issues too.

The drumming is good. A lot of insert shots where the hands are shown without faces. The marching band footage seems like they did not get champion bands to play the parts: lots of errors and cuts likely to cover worse errors.

Just ok.

Rated 5.1 (1,018)

VH1 & more, dir. Woodruff; 6