Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Da Sweet Blood of Jesus (2014), 5- {nm}

Not Rated | 2h 3min | Comedy, Romance, Thriller | 22 June 2014
Dr. Hess Green becomes cursed by a mysterious ancient African artifact and is overwhelmed with a newfound thirst for blood. He however is not a vampire. Soon after his transformation he enters into a dangerous romance with Ganja Hightower that questions the very nature of love, addiction, sex, and status.
Co-writer/Director: Spike Lee
Stars: Stephen Tyrone Williams, Zaraah Abrahams, Rami Malek.

Watched on AmazonPrime.

I have no idea why this would get the tag Comedy.

The idea that this film "questions the very nature of love, addiction, sex, and status" is beyond me. I got absolutely nothing out of it. And since I don't care for this sort of subject, I should have passed.

This is a remake of Ganja & Hess (1973), by black filmmaker Bill Gunn ('29-'89).

As I pointed out in my notes for Clockers (1995), 6- {nm}, this poster is similar to the one for Otto Preminger's The Man With the Golden Arm ('55). Clockers and Da Blood both use images designed by Saul Bass for Otto Preminger films.

Rated 4.1 (1,170)

indie, dir. Lee; 5-