Friday, February 22, 2019

Begin Again (2013), 6

R | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 7 September 2013
A chance encounter between a disgraced music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter, new to Manhattan, turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents.
Writer/Director: John Carney
Stars: Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Adam Levine, James Corden.
Watched online, ok print.

32 songs in the Soundtracks, many sung by KK or AL.

I should probably rate this higher, but it's not something I would watch again.

I have no idea why this is considered Romantic! by Rolling Stone (see poster); well, maybe because MR & KK walk around NYC splitting the earphone jack on her phone to listen to her library, and then we see him doing that with his estranged wife just before he's shown packing his stuff to move back home. KK does not land a man in this, but that's a good thing. She becomes independent and confident in her craft.

The coolest part of this is the indie production of her album, where she borrows equipment and records in open spaces of NYC with borrowed musicians. And then... instead of selling it to MR's record company, they post the album online for $1, and let the cash roll in. So this film is a good marker of technology as it applies to the music business, both for production and distribution.

Good story and good acting. Good music too, for its genre, which I could not possibly name, nor cite similar artists, because it's outside of my pleasure zone. But the songs and their arrangements are very credible for someone who's going to break out into the big time.

Rated 7.4 (127,754)

distr. Weinstein, dir. Carney; 6