Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Time of Your Life (1948), 6 {nm}

A wide variety of persons come into Nick's Pacific Street Saloon, some to ask for work and others just to pass the time.
1h 49min | Comedy, Drama | 26 May 1948
Director: H.C. Potter
Stars: James Cagney, William Bendix, Wayne Morris, Jeanne Cagney, Broderick Crawford, Ward Bond, Paul Draper.
Available on AmazonPrime; watched on megapack, mediocre copy.

In the Tap! Appendix for Paul Draper. His only other film is Colleen ('36). He plays a struggling dancer here. Interesting that he doesn't have more in IBDb either (5 shows). In the original B'way production, Bendix played the same role, and Gene Kelly played the dancer. The character is pathetic, and although PD dances well, it's not fun to watch.

Wow, a television in the bar; they view a live horse race. Fairly big screen, wonder whether it was a realistic set for the time.

I don't understand why this play won a Pulitzer, but the film might not reflect the play well. "Kit Carson" is a very strange person to show up a NYC (or other urban) bar, cowboy hat and all. Everyone is sad/pathetic in some way. Are we supposed to feel more optimistic after seeing this? Have more empathy? I don't get it.

JC is mesmerizing as always, and his sister can play this kind of part very well.

William Cagney Prod., distr. UA, dir. Potter; 6