Sunday, April 8, 2018

Look-Out Sister (1947), 6-

A famous bandleader, suffering from overwork and exhaustion, goes to a sanitarium for a rest. While there he dreams of being out west at a dude ranch, where he finds himself involved in the... 
1h 3min | Music, Western | March 1947
Director: Bud Pollard
Stars: Louis Jordan, Suzette Harbin, Monte Hawley.
Watched online; blurry.

Lots of music, all from LJ and his pre-pre-rock 'n roll band, although usually he's the only one on camera.

The plot was tolerable until, within his dream, LJ gets chased on horseback for minutes on end. The music underscoring this seemed to repeat endlessly, as did the same hoofbeats. I'll admit that I wasn't watching carefully to see if they did anything interesting visually. It just seemed like LJ wanted to be a black cowboy for an hour, even though he played it as he couldn't ride or shoot, he still saves the day.

Somewhat better production values for other race films than I've seen.

Astor Pictures Corporation, dir. Pollard; 6-