Monday, January 29, 2018

Uncle Joe (1941), 6

Young girl, sent to the country to avoid the amours of an artist, meets up with her backwards inventor uncle Joe and four country boys, who must all band together to keep the bank from ... 
51min | Comedy, Music | no release date
Directors: Howard M. Railsback, William Strohbach (as Raymond E. Swartley)
Stars: Slim Summerville, Zasu Pitts, Gale Storm
Watched online, very blurry.

5 songs, no dances.

Now that I see that the release date is unknown, I'd guess that this was NOT released in December '41. The song Woogie Hula would have been in very poor taste.

Always good to see Zasu Pitts, and Slim Summerville is a amusing here. The cute inventions are a plus. Gale Storm's speaking voice is always borderline irritating.

The sub-plot of GS's attraction to an artist (and is it an attraction, or just an appreciation?) feels completely unnecessary. He comes to the country setting at GS's invitation, and he starts to paint his abstract view of a cow, but the local boys startle the cow into charging at him & his easel.

The plot of ZP's mortgage and GS's solution is sweet and plausible. This is a pleasant comedy.

Wilding Picture Productions, dir. Railsback & Strohbach; 6