Saturday, January 13, 2018

Strike Up the Band (1940), 6

Jimmy Connors and his girl-friend want to take part in Paul Whiteman's highschool's band contest, but they cannot afford the fare. But per chance the meet Paul Whiteman in person and are ... 
2h | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 27 September 1940
Director: Busby Berkeley
Stars: Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, Paul Whiteman and Orchestra

The title song is by the Gershwin bros, but 5 other songs are by Roger Edens. Others have much older publication dates (1920's all the way back to 1843).

The absence of a dance director in the credits was a warning sign. The dancing is high school kids social dancing, and occasionally doing fancier group movements, but I'm not wow'd by anyone.

I'm just not a fan of MR. His looks, his energy, his singing/dancing all just leave me cold. Apparently he was big box office then. He looks like he really was playing drums and xylophone.

The troubles of these teens (just graduated high school) just don't appeal to me.

MGM, dir. Berkeley; 6