Friday, December 22, 2017

Kentucky Moonshine (1938), 6-

Tony Martin goes to Kentucky to find talent to boost radio ratings. There it is learned that the Ritz brothers are really from New York and only pretending to be hillbillies to get on Martin's show.
(87 min) Released 1938-05-20
Director: David Butler
Stars: Harry Ritz, Jimmy Ritz, Al Ritz, Tony Martin

Genres: Comedy | Musical | Romance
Watch online, pristine print, dubbed in Russian

A reviewer wrote that the Ritz Bros did some of their precision dancing here, so I wanted to see if this was worth a purchase (official release is available.) It's really not. I didn't find they did much in the way of precision dancing. Unfortunately they set a high bar in On the Avenue ('37), which I have from a box set.

The top 4 billed are as you see them here. And the plot synopsis omits an important improbability: that the RB and Marjorie Weaver hear about TM's desire to find Kentucky talent while they're in New York, so they GO to KY, set up house in a broken-down shack, and wait for TM to arrive. It's not clear how they knew his itinerary so well that they could pinpoint the back road he would travel to find them. (I know, suspension of disbelief, but this is WAY out there.)

So this is pleasant; perhaps more so because I couldn't hear the dialog for the dubbing.

Fox, dir. Butler; 6-