Monday, March 12, 2018

The Kid Sister (1945), 5- {nm}

Joan Hollingsworth is the younger sister of Ethel and their mother believes Ethel is entitles to all the advantages until she acquires a husband, but Joan thinks otherwise. Forbidden to ... 
56min | Comedy, Crime, Drama, Music | 6 February 1945
Director: Sam Newfield
Stars: Roger Pryor, Judy Clark, Frank Jenks
Watched online, bad dark fuzzy print.

JC (b. 1924) looks every minute of her age. I suppose a kid sister is still the kid even when elderly, but putting a bow in the hair of a 21 y.o. does not a youngster make.

No idea why this was tagged Music. The absence of a Soundtracks page means nothing with a PovRow film. Just ran the whole thing again in 2x speed (YouTube still plays audio, so I could just listen), and no character sings or dances anything. There's barely any diegetic music. So I'm going to take this off my list of American Musicals, but not submit a correction to IMDb.

I can't think of any reason to watch this again, but it's not so horrid to deserve a 4.

Indie, distr. PRC, dir. Newfield; 5-