Monday, March 5, 2018

Step Lively (1944), 6+

Gordon Miller is rehearsing a musical comedy in the penthouse suite of Gribble's hotel...on credit. The mounting bill is driving Gribble frantic. Chaos increases when playwright Glen ... 
1h 28min | Musical | 26 July 1944
Director: Tim Whelan
Stars: Frank Sinatra, George Murphy, Adolphe Menjou, Gloria De Haven, Walter Slezak, Eugene Pallette.
Ernst Matray ... choreographer
Maria Matray ... choreographer (uncredited)

Pleasant musical remake of Room Service (1938), 6+ {nm}, the only non-musical of the 5 Paramount and 6 MGM Marx Brothers films. GM is the producer (played by Groucho) and FS is the playwright.

First starring credit for FS, first non-self character he plays. He does a serviceable job.

Pay attention to the first production number (a rehearsal). GM does 2 vertical leaps that I like so much: one short hop atop a coffee table, the other a biggy atop a piano. He makes it look so effortless.

6 songs in the Soundtracks, 4 with FS singing (but only 1 solo). Anne Jeffreys gets a solo, and a duet with FS.

GM delivers some very fast-paced dialog and frenetic energy as the producer trying to get his production afloat juggling/dodging lots of obstacles.

RKO, dir. Whelan; 6+