Saturday, November 25, 2017

Head Over Heels (1937), 6-

Cafe entertainer has ambition, but teams with a disloyal partner, throwing her career and her love life into disarray.
(84 min) Released 1937-01-15
Director: Sonnie Hale
Stars: Jessie Matthews, Louis Borel, Robert Flemyng
Buddy Bradley ... dances arranged by

Genres: Musical
Watched online, pretty good print.

If this were my first JM movie, I might not have pursued more. She clearly has great singing and dancing skills, but they aren't used well here. And I can't tell the difference between the young men she's pursuing/ who're pursuing her (were there 2 or 3?). So I couldn't really follow the in's and out's of her love life. The only other topic is her career, so that's a big loss.

One of the songs JM sings here begins identically to (and repeats throughout) the song Always in All Ways sung by Jack Buchanan in Monte Carlo ('30). I couldn't tell you which song here, and without fast forward, I'm not going to try to find it now. But if I ever watch this again, I'd like to update this. The songwriters are different between the 2 movies.

Here's hoping future JM movies are better.

Director Sonnie Hale was JM's husband 1931-44.

Gaumont British Picture Corporation; dir. Hale; 6-