Stars: José Cura, Amarilli Nizza, Julia Gertseva
Puccini's 2nd opera, with checkered history.
The wiki article outlines the 3-act synopsis. So I'm stealing this from the Amazon product page:
"When the opera opens, Edgar is at the end of an affair with the Moor Tigrana. The `girl-next- door' Fidelia loves Edgar which he almost reciprocates. Tigrana scandalises the church-attending villagers. They are about to attack her when Edgar comes to her aid. Edgar sets fire to his family home and fights and wounds Frank, Fidelia's brother, as Frank tries to intervene. Edgar and Tigrana depart. In act 2 Edgar soon tires of his debauched lifestyle with Tigrana and joins a passing troop of soldiers captained by the said Frank. Act 3 takes place after an assumed battle. Edgar and Frank stage Edgar's `funeral'. Fidelia is distraught. Tigrana is persuaded by the `disguised as a monk' Edgar, to denounce him as a traitor. The attending troop of inflamed soldiers, intent upon desecration, open the empty coffin whereupon Edgar reveals himself. Act 4 reverts to Fidelia who still believes that Edgar is dead. She asks to be buried in her bridal veil. Frank and Edgar appear for the grand reconciliation after which they depart and leave Fidelia alone. Enter Tigrana who fatally stabs Fidelia. Tigrana is captured and led away." -- MusicWeb International, Robert McKechnie, December 2009